Economic Policy Briefs


Date: 2017-2019
Client: Adam Smith International

To Excel was contracted to prepare policy briefs on various economic issues in Jordan, describing the current situation and government efforts, and then presenting policy level recommendations. The topics of the briefs include (i) an assessment of Jordan's debt management and planning, (ii) socioeconomic implications of the new draft income tax law, and (iii) Jordan's drive towards universal health insurance.

Research about Social Norms Affecting Women's Participation in the Labour Market in Jordan

Then to conduct a research to understand social norms affecting women’s participation in the labour market in Jordan, which included carrying out a desk review, conducting focus groups and developing a report with the findings and conclusions. In specific, the research aimed at obtaining perspectives of different women and men on female employment in order to extract the main social norms affecting a woman's decision to join the labour market. Focus group discussions were carried out in Amman and Irbid with both men and women of different employment statuses.